Normalizing the New Normal
What’s Here to Stay
Todd Hayen

For something to be a “new” normal, it must reach some measure of consensual normalcy. What is normalcy? Many people believe it is whatever sits at the middle of the proverbial “bell curve,” i.e., “majority.”
Is this true?
In my practice as a psychotherapist, I am very uncomfortable when a client asks if their behaviour is “normal.”
Usually I will reply, “well, it is probably the most common behaviour” or, the negative response, “you might be an outlier and not many out there behave that particular way.” That response is never very satisfying. People, it seems, equate “normal” with “what most people are doing.”
Obviously, this analysis is not very accurate—how many times did you hear dear mother say, “if all your friends were jumping off of a cliff, would you do it?”
All that being said, I am afraid to say now, that in our culture, being normal means you are doing what most everyone else is doing (or thinking). Today, you are “normal” if you wear masks everywhere, or normal if you fear Covid, and scramble to get in line for the latest booster.
At first there might be a bit of an enticement, i.e., “you will die of Covid if you don’t get vaccinated,” but if you really examine the true incentive, it usually isn’t that, it is the fact everyone else, or most everyone else, is conforming.
Once you reach that point of conformity, or “normalcy” there isn’t much else you need to do if you are an authority trying to pressure people into compliance.
In fact, it can often work against that authority (getting people, through a coercive fear campaign, to comply) because it can then become impossible to get these masses to let go of the thing that makes them feel “normal” (compliance with the majority).
Even today as authorities remove mask mandates, people are opting to ignore the relaxation of mask compliance, and deciding on their own, or within their organization (such as a hospital) to continue requiring them.
There are many things in our culture that have become normal that in previous years, or decades, or even centuries, were not normal. We are continuously experiencing a wave of “abnormal (or nonexistent) to normal” flowing over us as the years pass.
Things that were not consensual, or embraced by the majority, did not become normal until they were.
The first example that comes to mind are cell phones, or more accurately, “personal mobile phones.” I remember while living in LA in the Hollywood film biz, it was very trendy to have a phone in your car.
Typically, only doctors or big-wig professionals had such things. They became more and more popular, for various reasons, over time and then reached a level of “normalcy” when nearly everyone had a cell phone they carried around with them.
We can, of course, think of thousands of things like this. We can also think of an equal number of things that were better before, and for whatever reason, lost “normalcy” due to economics, or difficulty of installation or execution, such as bottled (in glass bottles!) milk being personally delivered to your front porch every morning, or real wood hardwood floors.
These are examples of “things,” what about concepts? Or psychological behaviours?
Yes, these also move in and out of what is considered normal. But keep in mind as I said before, normal does not mean “right” or “healthy”…far from it. The “non matrixed” people living underground in The Matrix were “abnormal” to all of the “matrixed” folks, but they were the most psychologically healthy—or actually, to be more accurate—spiritually healthy.
We may see, today, many things we are not happy about becoming normal, “things” like masks, vaccination records, mandates, etc. (which we will discuss in a moment) but the real damage we are, and will, experience is not so much the physical aspects to these things, but the psychological and spiritual implications.
We focus on the physical issues, which are also important and need to be factored in our fight for freedom, but the physical is easier to deal with, it is in your face, and objectively problematic—brain damage due to too much CO2 intake, the loss of freedoms to a totalitarian regime, the restrictions on travel, the loss of privacy, medical tyranny, etc.
The deeper issues of this assault on humanity are far more devastating, works its evil over time, and is much more difficult to see.
So, what have we observed in our culture that before Covid didn’t exist, and now does in large numbers? Things that the “normies” could start to identify as “normal.”
Mask wearing is probably the most obvious, and possibly the least obvious from a damaging psychological and spiritual perspective. Digital IDs, for which we are being prepped, from this Covid fiasco, to be totally accepted and normalized.
Digital currency is another, and its prep started long ago, but the mill has been greased even further for easy, normal, insertion into our culture and society. Online learning, which clearly is a trend with all levels of education.
Online work as well is becoming more and more common, therefore is being “normalized.” In fact, any sort of gathering now seems to be relegated to a Zoom session, destroying any psychological and spiritual need to touch shoulder to shoulder with other human beings, physically look into their eyes rather than looking into a camera that then creates a digital representation of an eye to gaze into.
Vaccines and vaccine passports have been normalized even further, of course. Not that it took all that much as the culture has long been brainwashed into thinking that all the vaccines children get are the only thing that keeps them alive through childhood, and anyone who opposes such practice is tantamount to Beelzebub himself.
The more subtle “normalities” being afflicted upon us include a general fear of nature and our natural environment. Children are clearly being taught to fear other children, teachers, and anyone who is not masked. We are being trained to believe that to fear life itself is normal. Certainly, a totally irrational fear of death is being made normal.
And slowly we are being introduced to the normal idea that quite possibly, if we play our cards right and support the efforts to do such a thing, technology will bring us a deathless experience of life. Why anyone would want that to be “normal” is beyond me, but it certainly is being actively promoted out there, as if the true meaning of life lies in some artificial, and technological, way to keep life eternal.
As usual, with a short article like this, I am just skimming the surface of this dark and hideous creature raising its head out of the muck of human shadow. The problem here, though, is this normalcy I am speaking of is being forced upon us not in a natural organic way.
Humans have always gone through weird ventures into strangeness—but typically pull out of it at some point saying “oops, that didn’t work, what was I thinking?” But only if the venture was organic, psychically evolutionary—a wrong turn corrected in the nick of time. What we are experiencing now, which we have also experienced to a limited degree in the past with odd experiments such as Nazism or Soviet/Marxist communism, or other totalitarian “experiments,” is purely manipulative from a global (which has never happened before) point of reference. We are being conned to believe these things I have described here are normal, ONLY because they are consensual.
Only until a majority agree they are normal are they declared normal. But these things are not normal. They go against the fabric of nature, of spirit, and if you believe in such things, God Himself. We seemed to have lost sight of this measure of normalcy, and only see “normal” as “majority” and thus believe it is simply no big deal—which is something you hear all of the time about, say, wearing masks, or being educated by a computer screen at home.
“Just put on the damn mask, what’s the big deal.” Actually it is a big enough deal to lead us to the eventual destruction of humanity. No kidding.
Although most grow tiresome of Nazi references in discussions of “New Normal” issues, National Socialism in Germany in the mid 1900’s continues to be a relevant, and a useful, comparison. In Peter Fritzsche’s book Hitler’s First Hundred Days he describes a later manifestation of Germany’s “new Hitler order”—the Third Reich. Here is a description of a dissident returning home from political prison and the subsequent treatment he receives:
The big fight that Social Democrats and Communists lost to the National Socialists (Nazis) in February and March was one in which the nation was bitterly divided. The prisoners who returned home at the end of 1933 took the measure of how quickly Germany had changed from a country of highly articulate partisans who flew flags and pinned on badges of allegiance into a country of believers and conformists who, for reasons that were not always clear or verifiable, had made their peace with the new regime. This was the Nazis’ achievement in the two short months between the Reichstag elections on March 5, 1933, and the day celebrating German labor on May 1. The “48 percent” who had not voted for Hitler almost entirely disappeared from view, its remnants treated as miscreants and “asocials,” agents of national and social corrosion, drowned rats in the sea.”
The point to be taken here is the psychological effect of mass formation psychosis. A people who before were “articulate” and probably capable of debate and critical thinking, to a people who were essentially braindead and in 100% compliance with the authority of National Socialism—and all manner of supporting or living within that regime has been declared “normal.”
It is interesting here that the “48 percent who had not voted for Hitler almost entirely disappeared from view.” Where had they gone?
We like to think, in our current situation, that we who call ourselves freedom fighters will never “disappear,” but can we really rely on that? Will many of us eventually conform? Will we eventually fall into the zombie state?
I for one (and I am certain there are many who would stand with me on this) plan to die on this hill. But can we really be so certain that we will not eventually fall victim to the status quo, to the “new world normalcy” and be absorbed by the system, and become “drowned rats in the sea”?
I shudder to think of such a thing. But most of us are familiar with the “Stockholm Syndrome” where prisoners become complacent, and actually ally with their captors and criminal perpetrators.
This phenomenon is a very deep-seated human compulsion based on our instinct for survival. When we see all hope disappear, we will naturally warm up to those who hold the power and resources to keep us alive.
I think of movies like The Matrix and even silly fare like Demolition Man where there is a thriving underground of “free people,” burdened to the brink of collapse with pressure of survival, living almost like animals, usually underground (the collective unconscious?)—and certainly not considered normal.
Is this even a possibility within the limitations of the instinctual drive to survive? It is difficult to tell. There was indeed a resistance to the Nazis in the ‘30s and ‘40s. It may have been small, but it definitely was there. I believe there is at least an equally powerful archetypal compulsion to “be free, or die.”
However, it seems this archetype, if pressured enough, falls short. I suppose we have yet to see how it will fare while facing this current assault on the human spirit.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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My parents evicted me because of my vax status ie. un. They would have made good Germans indeed.
‘Today, you are “normal” if you wear masks everywhere, or normal if you fear Covid, and scramble to get in line for the latest booster.’
This is most certainly not true in the UK. A small minority now wear masks everywhere, a significant but small minority. The majority i.e. the ‘normal behaviour’ is to go everywhere without wearing a mask.
I was speaking today to an 88 year old female of generally good health who told me that her first jab was fine, her second caused her to feel mildly uncomfortable and her third made her feel bloody awful. I advised her not to have a fourth and she did not disagree with me.
So someone in the ‘most vulnerable group’ who had initially followed the ‘concensus advice’ was nonetheless noting that each time she had a jab, her after-effects were getting worse.
The tipping point comes when people listen to their own bodies more than they listen to autocrats like Bill Gates…..
Well done! – we need more thoughts on smart phones; the covid op would not have been possible without them being “normal” and in near universal use. I recently saw a video; 1987 – small French city; people walking to an outdoor mass on a Sunday morning – then mass starts; some alone, some couples, some in family groups. It was astonishing – the difference in … hard to say… PRESENCE – they were THERE – they were WITH each other; probably posture was most noticable: heads erect, suggesting an awareness of their shared purpose and presence – not bent down and pasted to the glowing screen of their devices. Imagine that! – they did not have a “device” – none of them. A few probably had a personal computer in a corner of their office or home which created text documents – just a splendid typewriter really. The very nature of humans as social animals has changed profoundly – 35 short years.
Normal as whatever the majority of people can be manipulated into doing, means that it’s normal to follow orders, kill others, in the name of something good like education or science.
The Milgram experiments are evidence of this, just like this ”new normal” experiment.
Majority is just a number. It is quantity. It says nothing of its quality.
The Milgram experiments show what the quality of majority is. It’s stupid and evil.
Why give power to that which is stupid and evil? No reason. Stupid has no reason. Evil is stupid.
The very small minority of psychopaths controlling the majority of the people, and they call it democracy. It’s rule of majority. Whatever the majority thinks, is supposedly good. But it is never good. The majority is always ignorant.
So democracy with its majority rule is the stupidest and most evil dictatorship ever invented.
They say it’s the best thing ever.
But psychopaths are pathological liars. They have given up their reason and conscience, that is humanity.
The majority are manipulated. Manipulation is some form of deception. All deception is the work of the Devil. So this is a spiritual battle.
Human, only 35% of the American people have taken more than 2 vaxx doses– so people do learn. People cannot know things before they know them. It’s an error to stigmatize people as sheep or stupid merely because they haven’t yet learned something that’s become obvious to you.
And I think it’s a mistake to assume the Milgram experiment is typical behavior.
Everyone is ignorant. We are all ignorant of most things. I think this is a fact. I’m certainly ignorant of most things, as there are very few things that I know. I’ve been certain about many things, only to discover later that I was misinformed. I’ve believed lies. I’ve spread them around, even passionately manipulating other people to believe the lie. The ego-mind in people is ignorant. It is also evil. The worst evil is the one who believes he’s right and therefore good.
Ignorance in itself is innocent. But coupled with arrogance it is toxic.
The Milgram experiments show the percentage of people who are easily manipulated by a trusted authority to do atrocities. It is incredible how belief in authority changes people’s behavior. People don’t normally go around killing other people. Murder is a rare exception.
But during wars people have behaved just like in the Milgram experiments. Masses have eagerly joined in the killing and murdering people they don’t know, simply because someone they don’t know either told them to.
Belief in a false authority makes people forget themselves, their humanity and their reason.
A crowd or a majority is a false authority.
Trusting the majority as being right is the basics in democracy. But what is the basis of that? The idea that the majority has got it right, is wrong.
How do we make decisions in a best possible way? The psychopaths in power use lies, manipulation, deception and violence to make the majority into unreasonable creatures who lost their conscience. They have brainwashed people into believing that it’s best if we all give our power and decision making to them. They say they are the cream of society, the elite, that they are educated and knowledgeable. Trust the experts! Follow your leaders! Just do what you’re told, obey! No thinking allowed.
If the participants in the Milgram experiments had thought what they were told to do, I doubt if many of them would have complied. Had they only thought, ”Is it really reasonable to teach a student with electric shocks, pain, suffering and killing him”, they could have concluded that killing a student can never make the student remember better. But they didn’t think. They had given their thinking to an authority.
People are not numbers. People mustn’t be ruled by numbers. It is really insane to think that numbers created by a machine or a psychopath would rule people in the name of democracy (demos = people, kratos = rule). And yet here we are: rule of democracy showing its true colors.
Most people did vote, didn’t they.
Like lambs to the slaughter.
I suspect the entire Milgram Experiment was inadvertently rigged to begin with. I suspect the people who would have asked themselves the rational questions you pose would have declined having anything to do with such an absurd experiment.
Conversely, the people who didn’t decline were all along the very people most likely to continue administering electric shocks. In other words, they probably enjoyed hurting others.
No it wasn’t rigged like that. Participants had no clue what they were really participating in. They thought they were helping science and improving human life, education, memory. They didn’t know they were the ones being tested.
Yet they should have known that. Because they were asked to participate in a scientific experiment.
And they did know they were hurting another person with an electric shock because they heard him screaming and begging to be let out until there was no sound at all. Still they continued. Because they obeyed the authority.
They didn’t like what they were doing, they were clearly anxious and distressed, but they kept on doing it because they thought they were serving some greater good, which was science. Participants were not monsters, they were ordinary people.
”Ordinary men” by Christopher R. Browning tells about a German battalion during WW2 who were asked to mass execute Jews. Participation in the firing squad was voluntary, and there was no punishment if someone declined. However the majority, about 80 percent, kept on participating in the mass murders, because they too thought they were serving some greater good.
The Milgram experiments were many, at least 19 variations where some factor was changed. What if participants were women, what if the location was changed, what if they were told that they were responsible for their own actions, what if they saw someone else refuse, what if the clothes of man giving the orders were changed, and so on.
Similar experiments have been done in various countries and circumstances., with similar results. ”Le Jeu de la Mort” reproduced Milgram experiment with electric shocks in a tv show setting, where the one giving the orders was not a man in a lab coat but a tv presenter woman. The authority figure can be anyone who takes that position. And the mass, majority, complies.
Isn’t this obvious in the current situation we are in?
Doing what the authority tells you to do and doing what the majority does is a sure way to harm people and humanity when people think that there is some greater good in it. This war saves lives! This war is good for your and everyone’s health! This war is good for society and the economy!
Yea, majority of people are idiots in these settings. They do what they are told, they are very open to suggestions and other manipulations, they give up their reason and conscience for some imagined ”greater good”.
Majority rule in democratic decision-making means that 51% make the decisions for all. In democracy two wolves and one sheep get to vote what’s for dinner.
How is that system ever good, reasonable or humane?
I appreciate your articles Todd, looking at the psycho-spiritual effects of our external world on our inner sense of what it means to be me/us, rather than only the physical-survival imperative. And yes, I believe we need to talk more of how we can find our inner courage, resistance and remind ourselves that as humans our strongest and most profound quality is our capacity to think independently (with practise), our freewill and sense of what freedom really is. So I agree with you that we need to consider individually what, “be free, or die”, means to each of us.
Yeah “new normal”…. Try “flattening a curve” or “staying apart together”. This is part of the indoctrination. It’s a method, a technique.
Watch back or try to remember how politicians have been talking to “the people” the last 2 or whatever years. Like they’re talking to children. All part of it.
But maybe Dr Gregory Stanton can explain us better. I don’t know with whom he aligns but for me this is brainwashing 101 and a precursor for genocide.
There, I said it.
‘This was the Nazis’ achievement in the two short months between the Reichstag elections on March 5, 1933, and the day celebrating German labor on May 1. The “48 percent” who had not voted for Hitler almost entirely disappeared from view, its remnants treated as miscreants and “asocials,” agents of national and social corrosion, drowned rats in the sea.”’ and etc – what garbage – some person who was obviously on the communist side of the battle and lost telling tales about ‘the enemy’. Highly credible.(sarc) 30 million Germans ‘drowned rats in the sea’ – how can anybody take such crap seriously?? Very interesting the ruling banking cabal find it necessary to actively maintain the big ‘Hitler the Nazi monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ lie 75 years after they took him out with extreme prejudice, and destroyed the country he led to let them all know such blasphemy as trying to get rid of the banking cabal would have very serious consequences – all take notice. And so they have – the most recent challenges being Saddam and Gaddaffi. And look what happened to them.
There is a point here about mass psychosis formation – it has been incredibly successful in creating and maintaining a huge number of people who think the Great Evil are the good guys and the one man who successfully challenged them for a short period of time is a terrible monster.(that’s really pretty psychotic) Check around the vids – you won’t find any of the ‘terrible nazis!!!’ doing terrible things to 30 million Germans (yeayea kristalnacht was bad, but in reality a pretty small thing all blown out of proportion again by those who want you to hate Hitler, certainly not indicative of the murder or something of 30 million Germans) – but you will find a LOT of huge crowds cheering him for the great things he did for their country before the banking cabal got their act together and took him out – and anyone who had dared support him. Early exhibition of cancel culture – you get treated the same way today by the descendants of the same people if you dare say anything nice about Trump, for example, or reject the covid fraud, or anything nice about Russia these days. But the nice sheeps don’t say things they aren’t supposed to. Which is pretty much the point.
The problem with your story is that it leaves out the bit where Adolf’s army invaded and brutally occupied several other European countries, using tactics like 10 civilians executed for each German soldier killed by resistance groups… and looting whatever they could grab. My father was nearly killed and he was a boy who happened to be outside when a German pilot decided to play target practice.
They did not liberate these countries or even Germany from the cabal. Adolf is the secret saint of Zionism.
It worked to perpetuate and profit from the myth of the eternal victim, always persecuted group that can do no wrong; so now they occupy key positions in key areas of societies in all of the West and beyond.
It may have been Goring who – late 1930s – endorsed Zionism in a vague way and went on “… so we’ll know where they are when we want to get at them”.
Corporate America and the world’s ruling elites loved Hitler and the entire Nazi regime. “Trading With the Enemy” by Charles Higham, 1982 has the details.
Clot Shot Injuries
It was a big scare – Anita Alvarez rescued by coach after fainting in pool (
‘Tis frighteningly normal for the Guardian to NOT display a gram of interest or column space,
This morning after a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the Bulgarian PM & his USA
Friendly cocksucking coalition of NATO warmongers, with Toxic Strategies,
To undermine the HEALTHIEST EU ECONOMY , incorporating the Euro ?
FYI, 77% of the Bulgarian people feel wholly misrepresented and in the media,
According to polls conducted by foreigners, Galloping over Bg. to assist
Ukrainian US cocksuckers…
Of course, this could all prove to be a bit of a bugger for the Guardian,
Should they report the ‘street view’ from Ukrainian Bulgarians moving back to Bg.
Bugger meaning primarily number 1) A Bulgarian Heretic (Odhams 1946)
Of Central Banking ? We shall see…
Simples. Bulgarians hate being dictated to …
Invest in Leva ? Safer than Euros …
& 10% Tax, across the board.
Germans have noticed.
Excepting Ursula. Logic.
Current UK inflation caused by Brexit and set to go on and on:
Funny how that inflation kicked off after Russia sanctions and not after Brexit!
Nothing to do with Putin or Brexit.
A hundred years ago the British were beaten to the south pole and set their eyes on Mount everest as “the 3rd pole”. They wished to redeem their pride by “conquering” the highest peak in the world. The story of everest has quite a bit to do with ‘covid’. There is the breathing difficulties, the blood clots, the use of masks/ technology to assist with breathing, the reliance on the Sherpas for supplies. Everest was eventually scalled but only after the war in the 1950s.
Reinhold Messner is widely considered to be the greatest mountaineer of all time. He grew up in the Alps with only the mountains for entertainment. His parents permitted him to go out at a young age and scale the peaks. Messner would eventually take on the challenge of climbing Everest without the assistance of oxgygen. Maskless and using the alpine style as opposed to the seige approach used earlier by the British. His philosophy is quite interesting and I would say relevant to the whole subject. The old world ideas of dominating nature have been replaced but the seige of ‘genetics’ remains the new fronteir for the old world cult of ‘covid’.
All the main figures in Scott’s expedition were freemasons, so was Amundsen (he’s not in their released membership records but there are lodges named after him).
Why do you imagine Scott’s midle name was Falcon? It’s the symbol of Horus. What a coincidence that Scott’s expedition created an image of noble self-sacrifice just before WW1!
Frankly, every narrative we’re given about supposed Polar exploration should be treated with great suspicion.
Yes, all those fields only a selected few have access to and are allowed in should be treated with great suspicion as they may make claims that the vast majority are unable to verify and experience. That of course includes the fields of virology and biomedical sciences.
This post should be a reply to Geo Martin below: The claims of ‘asymptomatic carriers’ already disproves ‘the virus’ claims on it’s own. The Kochs postulates stipulate that the pathogen should not be found in healthy people. Claiming there was a ‘asymptomatic’ pathogen would be like the exploreres explaining they didn’t even set sail from Britain let alone reach the Himalayas or the Antarctic. The vast majority can verify that the postulates have not been met.
Wearing masks in the US, it’s like how often do you see a car with a flat tire.
Huge demonstration of farmers in the Netherlands regarding the new climate laws which will effect farming.
Instead of Truckers its now Tractors.
“Still trying to force that awkward term, “mass formation” upon us…”
The weird ring of “mass formation” notwithstanding, I think that the author of this concept as well as most others have got one thing completely, or almost completely, wrong.
This collective hypnosis theory is based on the premise that prior to COVID, people were more or less – here comes the pesky word again – “normal” in the old-fashioned sense. That covidism took them all by surprise, foisted a new reality on them, etc.
While it’s true that COVID was a trigger, the foundation for people’s response had been properly built, people had been properly prepped. Our civilization has fallen victim to the notion that man has supernatural powers to create technologies that will allow him to master each and every aspect of the functioning of the natural world (this shit probably stems from the Bible). The idea is that the world will ultimately be completely sanitized, that man will be transformed into some fucking android impervious to disease/injury, that technologies will take care of any hazard, drudgery, name it. Presumably, man – having shit to do – will then jerk off in front of a computer screen, but that’s another issue.
People had already fallen for the notion to the limitless power of modern medicine and the expertise of experts. COVID only brought all this shit into the foreground.
So, the populace can’t just snap out of the covidian stupor, their heads are fucked up at much deeper a level.
The underlying issue, or one of them, is the fallacious hubristic belief that man can ‘make the world his dominion’ or whatever that idiot God said in the Bible. Man can do shit. Man should live in harmony with nature and use technologies judiciously so as not to atrophy his natural abilities.
Very astute, as usual Jacques.
The ruling psychos are just like_ _ _
It does indeed come from the Bible.
It is the same program of bio-phobia. Nature and wild animals are dirty and essentially Satanic. The Old Testament contains commands to burn/cut down trees, and deforestation followed by over-grazing with domestic animals has been the signature of Christian invaders everywhere. They are afraid of the woods and the wilderness and do everything they can to destroy it, including planting crucifixes ( an instrument of torture, lets not forget) on mountains and sacred sites as symbol of their dominion.
Now that the nonsense of the Bible has become all too obvious, we have The Science replacing The Word of God, with the men in white coats now being the doctors replacing the priests.
Recommended reading:
Apocalypse by DH Lawrence
Nature and Madness by Paul Shepard
Not In His Image by John Lash
I have yet to check out Wilhelm Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism… I suspect it belongs on this list.
That’s precisely my assessment too.
The parallel between religion and covidism as well as ideological control from a single center (Vatican/WHO) is all too obvious. So is the elusive question of the existence of God/viruses (and all the shit appended to that), the fear, the redemption, carrot & stick, the whole hog.
As you say, the Bible bullshit is too obvious, time to try something new.
The covid idea creators in fact share your hatred for Christianity, not Islam or Hinduism so much. The people at the top are not exactly atheistic (that’s for the masses)and the proof is there’s been plenty neo pagan and satanic celebrations held by the EU and the UN. In fact the inspiration for the UN constitution was provided by the Lucius Trust, an openly freemasonic/luciferian organisation.
They took the third temptation of the Christ by the devil, ‘worship me (the devil), and all the kingdoms of this world can be yours.’
I seriously don’t understand how people who are anti christian be aggressively opposed to the UN plans and agenda as they are the ultimate concoction of communism, fascism, humanism, technocracy and secularism, while leaving out Christian dogma and bible teachings. The world of the temporal devoid of any spiritual content, everything starts and ends at what the men in power decide, nothing is above them, they ‘evolved’ to be in that position as per the survival of the fittest. With evolution there is no intrinsic moral value, it’s all relative to the survival of the species, and if the ones who reached the top of the food chain decide their survival depends on our demise, there’s nothing to argue as there is no objective truth but human created.
“A thriving underground of free people”, united like cockroaches, on a quest to rummage through the waste of the “developed/normal society”?
In truth many of us would have and did stomach this shyte some years back, sure we may have talked the talk…
But this current shytefest changed the game.
As Xavier alluded to recently its more of a sorting the wheat from the tares kinda ting
As the shytefest continues ever on we are able only really to witness and be ever more astounded at the direction taken.
When “protest” is channeled both geographically and energetically to fuel them, when insurrection is laughable, when resistance is futile?
At every turn we feel out manouvered? It is the internal stance, the will the intent that matters.
They may hold all the cards, but do you submit to play the game? A reluctant player perhaps, always with an eye on the “dealer” and a metaphorical hand on your gun.
Re-watching Koyaanisqatsi a few days ago i was made aware of how some like the film makers were aware of this path we now tread 50 years ago, indeed the sequence of “brand names” screened as part of the sequel made approx 1978 will make many here very uncomfortable.
The Hopi sentiment that when the sky is crossed with cobwebs the time of transformation is upon us….. Of all the ancient script thrust upon us i find that one very sobering..
The future is in all likelihood “mapped”, what is not is how we feel about it, it is a puzzle and at every turn religion/science/foolusmuch/trust the plan/yahweh will give you the option to “stop the bus”, “you have arrived at your destination”….
Having also recently binged on the latest matrix offering its clear too that they wish to have the handle on that aspect of awakening, pop your red pill, but be sure to integrate with ai…..because ai is your friend, im sure the “lads” locked up on saturn had right chuckle on that one, ffks
of all the drivel ive perused one of the most interesting was c. h. a. n. i
hadron colliders changed everything and once the c.e.r.n version was active the chinese set to making a bigger one, pullman saw it with his northern lights,
strawberry cough anyone?
If you look at my icon, you’ll see it resembles the 12 dots of a clock as well as 12 dots of the Zodiac.
The future is predictable in the sense you can predict when The Sun will be at its zenith, when mid-winter will occur, and when The Great Reset will occur. This is the sense in which astrology enables you to predict the future. It’s not woo-woo.
That is the way in which the future is mapped.
The Hopi say things will change when the red Kachina is replaced by the blue Kachina, well, this has happened (a star traditionally red is now pale blue). It also coincides with the return of Christ (as in the return of a boomerang occurs just after its furthest point).
The Hopi also say this is the day when time ends (eschaton), of the day of purification (Great Reset), when we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World (NWO – novus ordos seclorum), and the Earth returns to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise (qv ), and then the survivors will build the new world (‘build back better’).
If you understand the nature of the atomic chain reaction and how it was put into practice in 1945 by the Manhattan Project scientists, then you may realise the nature of ‘The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’, which they founded in Chicago at that time. Their ‘Doomsday clock’ also has 12 dots (not digits). If you map their 100 seconds to midnight, to the end of this order of the ages (12,000 years), you’ll find that a second represents 100 days. Thus their current estimate of the end of time is 10,000 days, i.e. 27 years, making Doomsday 2047 (at the latest).
CERN with its Shiva/Kali affiliation is another clue (combined destroyer/creator & ruler of time/Chronos). Also see:
Clues are being provided…
If you look at my icon, you’ll see it resembles the 12 dots of a clock as well as 12 dots of the Zodiac.
The future is predictable in the sense you can predict when The Sun will be at its zenith, when mid-winter will occur, and when The Great Reset will occur. This is the sense in which astrology enables you to predict the future. It’s not woo-woo.
That is the way in which the future is mapped.
The Hopi say things will change when the red Kachina is replaced by the blue Kachina, well, this has happened (a star traditionally red is now pale blue). It also coincides with the return of Christ (as in the return of a boomerang occurs just after its furthest point).
The Hopi also say this is the day when time ends (eschaton), of the day of purification (Great Reset), when we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World (NWO – novus ordos seclorum), and the Earth returns to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise (qv https ), and then the survivors will build the new world (‘build back better’).
If you understand the nature of the atomic chain reaction and how it was put into practice in 1945 by the Manhattan Project scientists, then you may realise the nature of ‘The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’, which they founded in Chicago at that time. https Their ‘Doomsday clock’ also has 12 dots (not digits). If you map their 100 seconds to midnight, to the end of this order of the ages (12,000 years), you’ll find that a second represents 100 days. Thus their current estimate of the end of time is 10,000 days, i.e. 27 years, making Doomsday 2047 (at the latest).
CERN with its Shiva/Kali affiliation is another clue (combined destroyer/creator & ruler of time/Chronos). Also see: https
Clues are being provided…
[Delete this when the one with links is moderated through]
Good piece, gave it a 5. But leaves out how between 1918 and 1929, the Social Democrats and the “Communist” Party destroyed the ultra-left opposition using outright violence, tearing the heart out of the working class movement, leaving the left unable to mount resistance when the crunch came in 1933. This included the summary executions of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht on 1/15/1919.
Fifty years and a second World War later:
“Herr Brandt, what do you consider the chief failing of your Social Democrat Party?”
“That we were too civilized to fight the Nazi Party in the street” — Willi Brandt
Another 50 years and a third World War looming:
“Herr Scholz, what do you consider the chief failing of your SDP?”
“Wass!?? Wass wass!??”
Pepe Escobar reports [plus my comments] from the New New Normal:
“Rosneft CEO in St. Petersburg stressed that the global economic crisis is not because of sanctions, but is exacerbated by them: because the EU$A “is commiting energy suicide” by sanctioning Russia. The sanctions against Russia have done away with the much lauded “Green transition”. [Green German Girls now burn German coal merrily]. Green is no longer needed to manipulate energy markets [because that can be done by traditional “spot price and futures” transactions. [But for countries with a genuine need for energy at a stable long term contract price] Russia, with its vast energy potential [and reputation as a reliable supplier] “is the Noah’s Ark of the modern world’s Energy Economy.”
For Gazprom, its CEO was scathing on Siemens’ refusal and/or incapacity to repair the Nord Stream 1 pumping engine: “Well, of course, Gazprom was forced to reduce the volume of gas supplies to Europe by 20%+. But you know, “spot” prices have increased not by 20%+, but by several times! Therefore, I’m sorry to say that we at Gazprom don’t feel offended by [Herr Scholz and his Green Girls in Government], .”
Though the above comments were not enough to hurl “the collective West” aka NATOstan into hysteria, Putin’s warning that “Mr. Sarmat” might present his calling card to “decision-making centers in Kiev” — those that are ordering the current shelling and killing of civilians in Donetsk — definitely did the trick:
“As for the red lines, I do not name them, but they will mean quite tough actions on the decision-making centers [ie, on the Biden / Nuland “cookie coup” regime in Kiev]. Though this is an area that shouldn’t be disclosed to people outside of military-political circles, those circles should draw a conclusion for themselves – what they may face if they cross the line.”
A BTL summary of Pepe’s piece quoted above:
“The New New Normal is being built BRIC by BRIC.” — Wild Wolf
Bugger off, Swab. You depress me.
There is nothing new about the new normal. The term “normal” always stood for what a majority does, for what is the norm. And it has always been used to sideline, discriminate and do worse things to those who dared to stray from what is considered normal.
I think it is time to retire this term. Let’s no longer try to do what is “normal”, but maybe better do what is “natural”. That could be a good start.
Most of the time what’s “normal” is what’s “natural.”
“maybe better do what is “natural”.
Even better, Let us try to do what is “good”. Let us even try to think what is “good”. Because some doings of Nature scare my hair off.
“How clumsy, blundering, blind and unspeakably cruel are the workings of Nature. Yet from predation, war, sickness, famine and death arose Beings most wonderful while this old Earth was spinning on its axis”. — Darwin, Origin of the Species.
Publix Supermarkets REFUSES TO OFFER vaccinations
to CHILDREN UNDER 5 at its more than 1,200 US stores
Well, I’d shop there if we had them around where I live.
At this point, I don’t see how the “experts” supporting these infant shots aren’t complicit in at least attempted murder.
Press to confirm:
“I am a robot.”
The New Normal: Discovering a claimed-to-be eradicated “virus” popping-up in somebody’s shit somewhere deep in the centre of Civilisation…
Polio,..”most of the people infected show no symptoms, with about 25% manifesting flu-like aches and pains.”
‘UK raises alarm over deadly virus detection. Poliovirus samples have been detected in London sewage, prompting fears that the disease thought eradicated in the UK might return.’
For most of the past two and a half years Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman, Dr Sam Baily, and others, have done what they could to encourage people’s awareness about the unscientific nature of Germ Theory. But the fear of contagion is so strong in people it compels them to still believe Germ Theory…Our Fear is The Enemy’s 5th Column…
Like “monkeypox”, the polio ‘virus’ discovery likely will be used as the official stand-in explanation for injuries from the risky experimental ‘covid’ jabs…Together, should they spread, they will provide excuses for lockdowns to prevent riots when the talked about Recession hits, a recession some claim will really be a Depression…
A claim has been made that “ten years of ‘viral pandemics’ is part of the Great Reset Plan. So it would seem regular “discoveries” of civilisation threatening “viruses” is part of the New Normal…
For the while “viruses” have played the role that Invading Martians had in Orson Welles’ radio play “War of the Worlds”. There’s been a lot of interest and chatter about UFOs lately. Are the authorities preparing UFO Scares ready for use for when Viral Scares lose their effectiveness ? Rule by Fear is also part of The New Normal…
I think I’d rather have Martians than these fake “pandemics”.
The general public are not going to get into an ‘alien invation’ unless the aliens carry a deadly virus.
So an alien virus it is. And there’s no need for spaceships and the green little creatures hologram production, but only an asteroid that falls somewhere very remote, bringing on it a dealy virus from space which it’s now spreading its way across the land! Now that would pique the interest of the many.
Just the fact that people believe it is possible to identify specific vriuses in sewage sludge, and that “scientists” confidently pronounce this knowing they will be believed, is enough…. this is literally a river of shit.
Another cliche in these times is using 1984 as an analogy, but I think it speaks to the point of this article. Most people I’ve talked to think 1984 is depressing, but I’ve always found it uplifting. Even in the face of constant fear and repression, the human spirit comes through, as it always will, no matter what is done to us. The protagonist of 1984 may be brainwashed at the end, but there will be others, and there always will be others who glean how reality actually functions, no matter how degenerate society becomes.
While Winston and Julia get “corrected” by the ministry of love at the end, the book has an addendum about the newspeak language, which is written from a future point of view and implies that in the future, the rule of Ingsoc has ended.
In Germany these “new normals” even of the Greens and the Left turned totally anti(!)-pacifistic and they scream for war.
Things really have changed in the last decades.
I just came across a live-show with Michael Jackson from some 25 years ago. And I was totally surprised how anti-war that show was. A tank rolls on the stage, a soldier and a child appear. Obviously an answer to the 1. Iraq war: When Madeleine Albright was asked: “We heard that half a million children died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima,” Stahl said. “And is it worth the price?” She answered: “I think it’s a very difficult choice … but the price we think IS WORTH IT“ ( ).
Here the show with “Earth Song” of Michael Jackson (who died in 2009):
Still trying to force that awkward term, “mass formation” upon us…
English speakers don’t know what it means.
It’s a foreign language – a further distraction from the very difficult task of remaining focused during these sickening times.
“Groupthink” really fits the concept of what’s going on much better, and it’s also an advantage that it did so a heck of a long time ago.
Media = Groupthink = Exit Mankind.
People just don’t seem to fathom that our principal enemy is right in front of us every day:
It’s “The ‘NEWS’ “.
Just think how free we would be without it…
Unlike in the third world (4-years of drought in Somalia, hunger in Yemen, Syria and so on ) the vast majority of people in ‘western countries’ doesn’t know hunger and deep poverty and despair any more. And although I am afraid of this horrible economic disaster, which we will face in a time not too far away, this may cause our “normalized” citizens to riot and confront the system and those who rule us. Hunger and poverty was the motor of the French revolution (“let them eat cake”) and also of the Russian revolution.
And this economic disaster will come soon. Please, read “GLOBAL PLANNED FINANCIAL TSUNAMI HAS JUST BEGUN” (by F. William Engdahl)
What surprised me most was Engdahl’s comment on the economic situation in China: “Now China is in the midst of its worst economic crisis since 30 years and little sign of recovery. With the USA, China’s largest customer, going into an economic depression, China’s crisis can only worsen. That will not be good for the world economy.”
Until now I thought at least China had a more or less healthy and stabile economy.
Same with Japan … but Engdahl comments: “Japan, with a 260% debt level is the worst of all industrial nations, and is in a trap of zero rates with more than $7.5 trillion public debt. The yen is now falling seriously, and destabilizing all of Asia.”
‘Until now I thought at least China had a more or less healthy and stabile economy.’
But apparently China too is trillions in debt.
Joerg, thanks for the Engdahl link. I was surprised re China & Japan, too. Now I understand more about why Japan’s population is falling.
I don’t think rioting over food is going to do any good; the people we need to remove from power aren’t reachable. I still think the solution is to begin NOW to talk about the standards by which we are going to repossess and redistribute the wealth. I said it 2 years ago and no one was interested.
I see no other way. So long as they own everything humanity can’t be free. Their ownership is based on theft. Declare Black Rock & the others forfeit, and repossess, county by county.
There’s a much better, easier way to redistribute wealth – but I’m afraid it won’t “Play in Peoria.”
That way is to stop wealth in its tracks by stopping this nonsense of artificially valuing everything the “ruling class” tells everyone to value. Start with money – which has no intrinsic value anyway.
On the day saying “I’m a billionaire” means “I have a billion pieces of junk” – on that day, the madness ends.
Then carry it to the real world and de-value high rises and limousines and palaces and factories.
Place value on how little one has, not how much; and the problem is solved.
China has been preparing.
In 2017 and 2018, domestic consumption in China contributed 76% of GDP growth; in comparison, the net contribution of its international trade dropped from 8% in 2008 to 1.3% in 2018. Exports fell from 17% of total output in 2007 to 9% in 2017. Yet, the rest of the world became more dependent on China; it supplied 35% of global manufactured output. – Mckinsey Global Institute 2019
Our owners are ready for food riots, hell, they’ll make those happen if they don’t happen organically. There’s a very good reason most US government agencies, many that one would not think of like the good old Social Security Administration, are ARMED and have over the years purchased billions of hollow point rounds for their weapons. They know this is coming, they’ve known since they started arming up in 2015 or so. Citizens may indeed confront the system, but they’ll be met with fire power, massive amounts of it too. Some who are armed might hold out for a while, but as many out here and other places have said, one is not going to hold off a tank or drone even with an “assault rifle.” That said, I for one will not hold it against any gun owner who decides to take as many of our owners’ minions out as they can, no matter how badly that comes out for the gun owner. Better than bending over and begging psychopaths for mercy any damned day…
The most important lesson people should have learnt by now from history is that you cannot conform yourself out of tyranny.
This looks ominous:
Lithuania ready to expand Kaliningrad blockade – president
Maybe Lithuania harbours a secret desire to be part of Russia too – like the Donbass.
Or just a bog-standard prelude to WWWIII?
I suppose any ‘new normal’ is better than no normal at all (post-Armageddon)
The Old Normal that’s Here to Stay:
“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”
― Elena Gorokhova, A Mountain of Crumbs
[Pretending very well; even pretending to ourselves. Until the “sea change” swells into high tide, and we never believed it.]
A slight variation (of an old Soviet joke):
“They pretend to make the rules, and we pretend to follow them”
[Original: “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work” ]
‘“They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”
So that’s where the Cubans got that.
The gulag slaves were worked to death.And they didn’t get paid.
“They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”
That’s exactly what’s happening right now in the West.
What’s the percentage of people doing actual work, as in the production of goods?
The corporate-state-media complex becomes like some dinosaur band who’ve hit a creative wall and are reduced to recycling their old hits that weren’t even really any good in the first place:
What next? Spanish Flu found in Milton Keynes?… Bubonic plague discovered in the Metaverse?…
since 1984? Is this Orwell by accident or on purpose?
Is this the new SCARY VIRUS ??
“Polio is spreading in Britain for the first time in nearly 40 years, health officials have warned, as they declared a national incident and urged people to make sure they are vaccinated.”
These ‘Health Officials’ should be facing long jail sentences.
No, polio is the old SCARY VIRUS that was prevalent in my childhood. My sister had it but recovered thanks to natural resistance. Other people were not so lucky. I saw plenty of other children with “iron legs” and heard of people in “iron lungs”.
Don’t knock genuine vaccines.
And watch your standards of hygiene as a society. Polio is spread by food contaminated with the virus. If I remember correctly the last outbreak must have been as recent as 1970, since I remember washing fruit and veg with KMnO4 because our children were still young.
One of the signs of a disintegrating society is that diseases come back from the past — diseases like TB and STD — because at present “there is no such thing as society”.
I had read that pathogens – genuine pathogens, as opposed to pretend ones – had dormant periods, TB especially being one such.
My sister too, she had a paralysed arm but got the use back. My mother and father were put in an isolation ward, but had no symptoms. Asymptomatic diagnosis is not new. My sister had had her tonsils out, there’s a BMJ paper on polio provocation. Presumably there are a lot of provocations that explain why some people succomb and some done’t. And a declining society produces more provocations of all kinds, from unregulated toxins to lack of heating and good nutrition.
I got TB in the sixties, caught from a neighbour but provoked perhaps by cold damp living conditions, and this was no back street hovel but an ancient country house! My younger sister was treated for ‘latent TB’ but nobody else in the family (of 6 or 7) got it from me.
One of the signs of a disintegrating society is that.. ultra-rich sickos get servile governments and businesses to (a) test poisons or pathogens that produce clusters of symptoms – which can be labelled as diseases (b) test, enforce or sell the remedies.
What was known as ‘polio’ is still around, only by different names such as acute flaccid myelitis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, meningitis, and more, despite all vaccines. Polio was/is caused by exposure to certain chemicals that some people are unable to eliminate efficiently and get overloaded, nothing to do with contagion and viruses.
The iron legs were a barbaric treatment method. Sister Kenny introduced stretching and gymnastics type exercises to treat Polio. These were adopted in schools aswell I believe to help prevent polio and probably are the basis of psysiotherapy. There is a movie about her showing how she encountered much resistance from the ‘medical profession’ but persevered to help the children. It shows how they were then as now very stuck in their ways:
I am a great believer in the Physiological Imperative: “Use it or Lose it!”.
It’s being spread around the world in the new Gates funded vaccine and of course if anyone has the polio jab the fucking Mrna will active the fucking jab
Isn’t the polio vaccine taken orally?
Yes and no. There were both sterilizing and non-sterilizing versions. One, a jab, and the other a tablet taken by mouth. Both were usually given to each person.
This culture is so materialistic, hedonistic, aspiritual and comatose, it will be easy to usher in the “new normal” aka the New World Order/Great Reset. Externally induced hysteria (by the media, government and key “influencers” ) societal mass psychosis and a global Stockholm Syndrome are now in place. Yet the resistance is alive but as the writer asks can/will we continue to hold out and survive? Will we cave in to the all pervasive psychological manipulation? Will we become victims of the coercion and violence the state ( and the dupes who follow them) plan to unleash on us, like the Nazis did in Germany?
To what extent are we prepared to continue the resistance? How committed are we? The Deep State has not started doing house to house searches or stopping us to check for our papers (whether it is to show we are inoculated with the latest Big Pharma boondoggle., looking for our digital identification, to see what we are eating or the types of books and other material we have in our homes); not yet anyway. But from what we saw Trudeau do in Canada when he froze the accounts of the trucker supporters, to what New Zealand, Australia and some parts of Europe are doing it’s only a matter of time before Basement Biden or his handlers try it here. Then what? What is your line in the sand? It is probably different for each of us but what is it that you refuse to go along with that will force you to act? Time will tell, our psychopathic overlords have no intention of repenting!
Once again a very useful piece and topic has been hijacked by Covid. The real story of Covid, like the real story of “January 6th.” isn’t the actual event but the machinations behind it that were used as a political power play. We’re now in the rather peculiar state in the US that a substantial number of people have been persuaded to believe in a fantasy reality, a reality where mob action is seen as justice, where autocrats, real and wannabe, are regarded as the standard bearers of freedom and where intolerance is regarded as weakness. In short, a substantial number of people have been persuaded — brainwashed, if you will — into accepting fascism as a legitimate model for society. (“But at least the trains ran on time”)
The article questions how a substantial percentage of the German electorate could pivot towards Nazism in a few short months. I’d content that the pivot was made a decade or more before with the acceptance of the “Freikorps”, irregular militias of self-proclaimed patriots who were intent on saving Germany from socialism and the like. (Sounds familiar?) The general tolerance — some would call it ‘lawlessness’ — led to a wider acceptance of fascism, all it needed to get established was some organization and a recession to frighten the electorate. (Sounds familiar?) We are at this point in the US; the 1/6 caper was our version of the “Beer Hall Putsch”, it was never likely to succeed but it laid the ground work for later success. Obviously there’s a limit to how far these analogies can go — today’s US is not the same as Germany of 100 years ago — but the forces driving this are very real, they’ve been building for 50 years or more. The snag, though, is that today’s world is very different from that of a century ago. The likely outcome is for us to descend into a sort of dystopian world where nothing quite works any more but complaining about it (and expecting anything to be done about it) is likely to get you into trouble. (The UK, always a step ahead of the US when it comes to the future, seems to be already there even though many might not realize it.)
Anyway, forget Covid. Its here. Its endemic and like the “Spanish” flu of a century ago it caused chaos for a spell but it eventually faded. Such is life.
A bit like saying ‘Forget the Jews, that’s over’, when you still have the camps…
It’s not covid per se, it’s the subjugation by vaccines .
“The likely outcome is a sort of dystopian world where nothing quite works any more but expecting anything to be done about it is likely to get you into trouble. The UK, always ahead of the US when it comes to prophesying dystopia, seems to be already there”.
Reminds me of the cult film “Brazil” by Monty Python and Tom Stoppard: a British dystopia run by ineffectual nephews of a geriatric ruling class working frantically to implement their cognitively dysfunctional rules via a bureacratic army of “Build Back Betterers” and torturers.
The happy ending — boy escapes hand-in-hand with girl to paradise in Brasil, was equivocal. Yes, we heard the nattily suited torturer say, “We’ve lost him” — but did they lose him to Brasil, to insanity or death?
That sounds like China…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-06-20. Killed 150k to maybe save 10k lives. 1.3 Mn Reports of jab Injuries. More Jab-Injured Pilots Speak Out (blog, gab, tweet).
Discussing it is (one way of) normalizing it.
All these measures should be rejected completely, not even discussed. In the meantime solutions should be found.
Resistance to Internet and social media brainwashing is an emerging, integral part of the ‘new normal’. Not just the brainwashing itself.
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
The covidians are up against the wall. Make no mistake. They will be brought to justice. It’s not time for resistance but prosecution.
Premeditated Global, Domestic Terrorism, Racketeering & Premeditated Murder Dr. David E. Martin:
I notice on the daily Mail website:
The comments below have not been moderated.
Why do we need moderation (censorship) here?
Yet I’m still able to call you a fuckwit. Funny how that works.
That is just sly language. It means the comments that have been moderated are not below. Klaus Swab used to be a director at daily mail:
Thanks for that. Most people don’t know how to parse claims and disclaimers.
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
Haque et al
Sep-Dec 2012
During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions.
From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology.
Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place. This article lends insight into this paradox by exploring some major vulnerabilities, motives, and rationalizations that may have predisposed German physicians to Nazi membership
– professional vulnerabilities among physicians in general (valuing conformity and obedience to authority, valuing the prevention of contamination and fighting against mortality, and possessing a basic interest in biomedical knowledge and research),
– economic factors and motives (related to physician economic insecurity and incentives for economic advancement), and
– Nazi ideological and historical rationalizations (beliefs about Social Darwinism, eugenics, and the social organism as sacred).
Of particular significance for future research and education is the manner in which the persecution of Jewish physician colleagues was rationalized in the name of medical ethics itself. Giving proper consideration to the forces that fueled “Nazi Medicine” is of great importance, as it can highlight the conditions and motivations that make physicians susceptible to misapplications of medicine, and guide us toward prevention of future abuse.
One might add, “as well guide us in the prosecution of present and past “medical” acts.
I suspect that the percentage of doctors who have complied with the fascist Covid dictats today is much larger than the slight majority of doctors who complied during the Nazi era.
And today it’s also the lawyers and judges who are enthusiastically colluding with the regimes.
Surely, these people know what they’re doing?
As longs as the sheep have Facebook, Instagram, football, fake eye lashes and lips plus lots of junk food they appear to be content (clearly not happy)
Normalizing the New Normal like adding 40+Euro extra a week in a covert tax hike and blaming the gas and electric = Russia.
Real geopolitics, no NWO, no globalist, just facts used to describe real geopolitical power in the world.
The New Atlas
“no NWO?” “no globalist”? Pardon me, but is that video not headed “U$”?
Uncle $cam is the Muscle Man of the New World Order. This was openly declared by former POTU$A George Bush Sr in his “New World Order” speech after The Man from Uncle (a U$ diplomat) encouraged former CIA asset Soddem Husain to invade Kuwait (and then be treacherously invaded and taken over by Uncle $cam).
At the time of the Gulf War I was mildly puzzled to hear the POTU$A, representative of the Compassionate Freedom Loving West, unconsciously quoting Hitler’s favourite phrase, “The New World Order”. But soon after the Gulf War came Con-19 by the Bush / Cheney regime, promptly followed up with Con-WMD by the Bush / BLiar regime. That was when a U$ citizen wrote to me: “Bush’s grand pappy financed Hitler, and the fruit does not fall far from the tree”. The Bush crime family sucked in Nazi buzz words from their grand mammy’s teats.
The same Globalist criminal class who financed, armed and industrialized Hitler’s NWO have emerged from under their rocks, and are behind our present technocratic nightmares: Con-19, Con-Reset, Con-Ukraine and Con-Taiwan.
The New International, October 1945
P. Koster – Carl Jung and the Nazi Superman
From The New International, Vol. XI No. 7, October 1945, pp. 204–207.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.
Day by day the myth of the German monster grows. To give it credence, well known scientists along with big names in the field of art and literature are gratefully welcomed into the crowd of accusers. The doctrine they expound is difficult to distinguish from the Nazi racial theories they supposedly condemn, and it is just about as scientific. Articles are written describing the infamous German character. All Germans are arrogant, sadistic, cowardly, etc. The word “German” rather than the word “Nazi” has become a symbol for all that is to be despised.
The latest addition to these preachers of hatred is Carl Jung, one-time associate of Sigmund Freud. Like Thomas Mann, Jung’s zeal in attacking the German nation is of recent vintage. Jung’s past championship of the Nazi system has been conveniently overlooked or forgotten by the American daily press. . . .
The dishonesty of the campaign is illustrated in the use made of the interview with Carl Jung. The lay public, which knows little of Jung except that he is important in the field of psychotherapy, is inclined to accept his statements without hesitation. A knowledge of his record would certainly cause these same readers to be far more critical in their attitude. In January, 1934, the following notice appeared in the Psychoanalytic Quarterly:
It will be of interest to the American reader to know that after a suspension of publication for six months, following the resignation of Prof. Kretschmer last spring, the Zentralblatt für Psychotherapie resumes publication under the editorship of the former psychoanalyst, Dr. C.G. Jung of Zurich. In his foreword to the December 1933 issue, with which the new state-regulated editorial regime assumes control, Dr. Jung lays down the new policy of the magazine, which will differentiate between the “Germanic” and “Jewish” psychologies – “die tatsächlich bestehenden und einsichtigen Leuten schon längst bekannten Verschiedenheiten der germanischen und der jüdischen Psychologie sollen nicht mehr verwischt sein.” (“The definite distinctions between Germanic and Jewish psychology long apparent to sensible people shall no longer be obliterated.”)
This introduction is followed by a communication from the leader (“Reichsführer”) of the reorganized German Medical Association for Psychotherapy, Prof. Dr. jura Dr. med. M.H. Göring, declaring that the society “expects all its members who are actively engaged in writing or lecturing to have made a serious scientific study of Adolf Hitler’s fundamental book, My Battle, and to recognize it as a basic work. The society will cooperate with the Chancellor’s work in educating the German nation to a heroic, self-sacrificing state of mind.” [2]
2. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. III No. 1, Jan. 1934, p. 150.
Matthias Heinrich Göring (April 5, 1879 – July 24 or 25, 1945) was a German physician, psychotherapist and Nazi functionary. He was chairman of the German General Medical Society for Psychotherapy and head of the German Institute for Psychological Research and Psychotherapy, founded in 1936. Hermann Göring was his cousin.
To be well adjusted to a sick society is no marker of health.
R.D. Laing – The Politics of Experience (1967)
From an ideal vantage point on the ground, a formation of planes may be observed in the air. One plane may be out of formation. But the whole formation may be off course. The plane that is “out of formation” may be abnormal, bad or “mad” from the point of view of the formation. But the formation itself may be bad or mad from the point of view of the ideal observer. The plane that is out of formation may be also more or less off course than the formation itself is.
The “out of formation” criterion is the clinical positivist criterion.
The “off course” criterion is the ontological. One requires to make two judgements along these different parameters. In particular, it is of fundamental importance not to confuse the person who may be “out of formation” by telling him he is “off course” if he is not. It is of fundamental importance not to make the positivist mistake of assuming that, because a group are “in formation”, this means they are necessarily “on course”. This is the Gadarene swine fallacy. Nor is it necessarily the case that the person who is “out of formation” is more “on course” than the formation. There is no need to idealize someone just because he is labelled “out of formation”. There is also no need to persuade the person who is “out of formation” that cure consists in getting back into formation. The person who is “out of formation” is often full of hatred of the formation and fears about being the odd man out.
If the formation is itself off course, then the man who is really to get “on course” must leave the formation. But it is possible to do so, if one desires, without screeches and screams, and without terrorizing the already terrified formation that one has to leave.
Nice quote. Pretty useful too.
Perhaps the key is to look beyond the ‘formation’ to the ‘end goal’. In the case of planes, it might be the destination the planes are trying to fly to.
Which, of course, is predicated on there actually being an end goal ie that they’re not just flying around in circles for the fun of it
Most people in the formation have formation oriented goals. Some will be careerist strivers who want to push ahead of other careerists, but most will want to maintain a comfortable middling position where the risk of being judged is minimised.
Very few will ever question the purpose of the formation. They assume it must have a purpose, otherwise why would it keep on flying? Besides, they’ll all know of somebody who once tried looking for a purpose and subsequently went a bit crazy. Furthermore, they will assume that the purpose is not “evil”.
Although it is probably not possible to specify an overall goal, there are lots of subsidiary goals which can be stated. For instance, the formation could have the goal of “promoting health”; and this can be extended into “public health” or even “global health”. We could then try to specify a definition of “health” together with some objectively measurable standards.
An individual may have a different definition of health and may therefore conclude that they need to break away from the formation. However, since this might serve as an example to others, the formation may see it as a threat to its integrity.
I suppose looking at flocks of birds, flying around in perfect formation, there often doesn’t seem to be any apparent immediate goal. No great far-off destination that they are trying to reach. And yet they fly in perfect unison in impressive aerial displays. Same with shoals of fish.
It could be argued that whilst there may be no apparent goal in one aerial display, ‘subsidiary goals’ would include it being good ‘practice’ for when there is an actual important goal eg a long winter migration.
Maybe it is just the sheer pleasure of flying in formation that drives such activity on the immediate level, – though “promoting [bird] health” would certainly be a useful ‘subsidiary goal’. The long winter migration is likely far from their engrossed bird minds as they rapturously enjoy a summer flight.
Another spin-off might also be as a teaching mechanism to train the younger birds to ‘conform’ – though they generally seem born with the ability and don’t appear to need a massive amount of ‘conformity training’ (unlike us humans)
One bird out-of-synch, unhappy with the particular aerial displays being performed, would generally ‘spoil the show’ (certainly from the observer’s perspective). Better to leave the flock and fly off to the mountains and maybe take a few similarly discontented birds along with it for the alternative lifestyle. Other birds may decide to follow in the future
Pretty amazing… though a bit scary too (wouldn’t like them to start shooting) 🙄
Children addicted to toys produced out of their own enslavement. They probaby think the flashing lights are worth it… in whatever passes for thought in their heads.
Mass formation psychosis as a social-political characterization or governing logic is a phrase that can be used to describe any assemblage of people formed and indoctrinated to actualize the principles (fallacy) of free market fundamentalism. A critique of free market fundamentalism is provided in the book, The POWER of MARKET FUNDAMENTALISM: Karl Polanyi’s Critique, by Fred Block and Margaret R. Somers
There’s several reasons why I dislike the term “mass formation psychosis”. It refers to long-studied phenomena which go under various labels, but the term was invented so that Desmet could be the world’s leading authority.
With regard to the masses and free markets, the tendency is to move very quickly toward forms of restrictive practices; e.g. trade guilds. So I’m not sure there’s much compatibility between the masses and free markets.
I believe the archetypal “be free or die” has itself been “normalized” into a Hollywood slogan – at least here in the US. (Of course, the US is itself little more than a slogan.)
“I’m free to wear a mask and get vaxxed if I want, God damn it!” seems to have gotten kind of intertwined with “Let me live my life according to my values.”
From a distance they may look identical; but close up they are diametrical opposites.
Where did the “freedom” to wear a mask and get vaxxed come from? Surely not from a lifelong value system. Rather, it came from a demand by cardboard cut-out Health Experts to “do this or die.”
In other words, a fleeting moment of collective madness has been taken for a courageous stand.
Inversion is integral.
I guess “we” should accept as “normal”: Established armies of street thugs posing in expensive and intimidating uniforms. Some of us call them police. Some of us call them military experts. Some wear Armani suits. Apparently, “we” require a lot of protection.
Another form of “normal” is to erase all the slaughterhouse facts of history. Trained military thugs generally slaughter civilian populations at ratios of over 30 to 1. Great odds there…
Another form of “normal” is to celebrate our collective “choices” with large flag-waving parades, so our children and grandchildren have the rare opportunity to examine our profound genius at generating social conformance…
Keep telling the same story.
A small cadre takes orders; you should not publish this or that guy.
The creators, the innovators, are penalised in the West just as they are in Russia or China – submit to the system, hand over your ideas, or emigrate (if you can). It’s not about good or bad, it’s about central control. I have 15 years experience of Russia; almost as many in South American dictatorships.
Nail your colours to the mask. Or conform. If you choose inclusion in a small, dying, dare-not deviate Oxford drawl: congratulations.
The minority invent. The rest postrate themselves, in a religious or secular, bum-to-the-sky posture.
This makes no sense until you realize that England is not the saviour but the source of the cancer and that the Harriman bankers and numerous British bankers, that dare not expose their name, were integral to the Nazi project.
To this day these basic facts are obscured and the “sensible parameters” of debate.. what every solid chap knows… is bent, boing, as dodgy as a a nine-bob note (there was never such a note).
Nail your colours to the mask. Freudian slip. So true.
The European economies were well integrated before the second world war, so trade flourished, but that does not mean that British bankers backed fascists in Germany.
The UK has always tried to divide Europe & cause conflict, so if that is what they were trying to do, then it backfired and destroyed the British empire for good.
Two types of people:
Those who give up suffering for comfort [=conformity, inclusion]
those who give up comfort for suffering
Or are we all a mixture of the two. In which case, how can anyone judge another?
Though maybe decisions differ in their significance, in which case we may be able to 🤔
“Just before their last Dueling Dicks on a Piano Concert.”

“To Support the Troops.”

“Corporate Fascism and Eugenics Forever!”
Oh wait is Ben Stiller directing this movie? I see now.
Find others who are ready to die on this hill, offline, in person. We can be sure that posting more information on the internet is not going to achieve anything.
“Educate! Organize! Mobilize! One is far from alone.”
Join Moneycircus Discord as a friendly parallel and conduit to Off-G (begging you your pardon, Kit & Co.)
Thanks, but… joining discord without goolag or facepuke was a Kafkaesque experience I have no wish to repeat. (endless authorisation loops designed by shit-eating IT drones).
By leaving out the exploitative corporate fascist economic model we have been subjected to, since the 80s, I think you are missing half the picture.
Tyranny serves the king and his Barons in a feudal society, in a functioning democracy, like the ones we enjoyed after the second world war, there was no need for tyranny.
Depressing article.
“Mass fornication psychosis.” We’re all fucked.
Looking more and more like we are fucked every day…… Not a good way to kick off Summer Solstice…… My kids still are not talking to me. Not even a Father’s Day note or call. However, my oldest grandchild texted. They typically visit three or four times in summer (I live in a popular resort area near Lake Michigan.). Not this year. I suggested I might leave their inheritance to a house cat colony if they get my grandchildren vaccinated with the Covid clot shot. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I have sent them stuff they refuse to look at because they consider it political. I was left with no choice. The mule and the 2×4 was all I had left. Apparently they would rather wait till I die to find out if I was serious or not. I only get more serious as each day passes…………Maybe not house cats. Definitely not polar bears. Decisions. Decisions.
Yeah, it’s rough. People are impervious to hearing any counter information. I’m the only one in my family that hasn’t had the shot, but the family is talking to me; we just don’t talk about “Covid.” At this point, there’s nothing I can do for these people.
Threatening to give the inheritance to the homeless cat colony is hilarious.
Yes, I too am the only one in my immediate and extended family who’s refused to have the injection. Prior to the ‘jabs’ being ‘rolled out’, I’d provided family members and friends with a wealth of trustworthy information from honest doctors around the world who were issuing dire warnings to people not to go anywhere near them. However, all my relatives, and all bar two already wised-up friends, gullibly rolled up their sleeves and submitted. Various relatives and friends have had two, three or four injections… more fool them.
I also know exactly what it’s like to have loved ones refuse to hear any counter-information… they’re all enamoured of the stuff that’s spewed out of their beloved TVs, and refuse to accept that they’re being lied to.
As you say, there’s nothing we can do for these people.
It’s so frustrating, that they absolutely refuse to credit anything that doesn’t come from their beloved MSM.
There are millions of us out here.It may not feel like much compared to billions, but we exist!
My sister, who I saw the Clash with in the early 80’s-said she took the jab “ “for the Team.”
I know another father who’s kids won’t listen-one said “even dogs and cats get vaccinated”.He has cut them out of his will.
They probably think you are cranky and don’t mean it. I would leave them a good bunch of covid literature printed out and bound in a dossier (or three) as the sole inheritance.. so they can have the rest of their lives to consider what they did to themselves and their children.
I suspect a dossier won’t be needed. Young healthy people are beginning to drop like flies in their sleep and their doctors are supposedly dumbfounded. Right. They know what’s going on but are afraid to stick their necks out and go against the narrative. Just like the rest of them. They are protecting themselves and their credibility. One big shared lie. Crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming. Fuck you NSA.